Countdown Media GmbH 
Wichmannstraße 4, Haus 10 Süd
22607 Hamburg / Germany

Phone +49 (40) 822 986 0
Fax +49 (40) 822 986 66

Information pursuant to § 5 TMG
VAT Reg No.: DE813330362
Business Seat: Hamburg – Court venue: Hamburg - HRB 82852
Managing Directors: Helge Jürgens, Thomas Coesfeld, Mathis Wolter

Effective Date: Ocotober 2023

Copyright 2024 Countdown Media GmbH (“Countdown”, “we”, “us”, “our”). All rights reserved. All content (text, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files as well as their grouping etc.) on the website is protected by copyright law and other similar laws. This legal protection also extends to any databases and similar facilities available on, or accessible through, the website. Content is only free for viewing and use as permitted on the website. The content of the website may not be reproduced, distributed, changed or made available to third parties in any form (except as permitted under copyright law) without our prior written permission. Furthermore, several areas of the website contain images the copyright in which is owned by third parties. Wherever not otherwise specified, all trade marks on the website are protected by trade mark law.